Friday, July 31, 2009

new life

hye hye hye..

trase cm lame gle xupdate...rindu gak kt blog sndiri ni..ahaks
slalu kalo online tgk blog org now i'm back!..nk cte sket psl dunie br aku kt MOE ni.. k 4 a start, aku ditemptkn kt bhg Pendidikan Khas..n under Unit hal Ehwal Murid .f12 msk, 22 Julai 2009..aku dh di'brainwash' dgn keje2 kt cni yg bole dikire agk berat..ala, tp keje kt mane2 pn mst ade cbrn kn.

here, everythg is new to me..n the truth is, wlpn dh almost 2wks kt cni, aku still feel out of place..
huhuhu..biasela kn..tpt baru..n i'm getting used to pujuk diri sndiri..(take it easy ainol..take it easy..) tp sket2 aku dh dpt adapt ngan suasane br,kwn2 br n bos2 br..n keadaan yg agk kekurgn (still xde pc..dpt update ni pn tpg lptp org..hhuhu) as compared wit wisma putra even tho kt cni higher post..ape pn..aku akn cube m'hepikn diri sndiri n alwiz think positive..well, alah bise tegal biasela rite?

btw, biasela aku yg jenis segan2 sket take time la nk mesra sgt2 ngan org kn..wlpn kt cni sumenye ramah2 n klaka2 blake..xkering gusi aku dibuatnye..

n nk dijadikan cte wlpn aku br msk kt cni, dh kene gosip2..hehe. aku digosipkn ngan sorg yg name nye same ngan org yang prnh aku digosipkan dlu2..Mr. F..n same age lak die ni bknla jnis yg modern2,in fact, mat klate..:p n he's nice and sweet to me..n single..that's the most important part, rite..hehehe

so, tgkla ape jd nnt wt mase ni, aku mmg xde mood lg nk b'kwn2 ngan guyz..wlpn cm dh ade hint2 dr org itu..haha. n fyi, aku slalu kwn ngan lg mude jek.. F, H, M, etc..etc..wat to do..awt mudela katekan..hehe prasanla plak, ahakz

neway,rite now aku rs aku dh xt'msk dlm kategori awet mude lg dh..sbb wlpn br 2 mggu aku keje kt cni, aku cm dh aged inila bktinye..

k, till next..

Lonia's Note: take it easy..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Transformers vol.2 plus shopping

Wednesday 8th July 2009

hye... arini aku nk smbg n3 aku about transformers ni..setelah b'sawang bak kate my heart..hehe.quite dh lame gak aku tgk cte tu, so nk flashback blk r nih..ekceli aritu aku xg tgk sesorg pn (cm yg aku state dlm vol.1)..aku g ngan my bff, norhafizah a.k.a. pza..or aku sbut die kt cni cik P..(hehe,aku ni mmg suke gune initial je..inspired dr cte GG - Gossip Girls. B for Blair, S for Serena) cewah, dh pndi nk sebut 'bff'2 segale..sedikit intro psl cik P ni...die ni aku knal since uitm days..n die tau sume kesah idup aku ..jatuh bgn aku..camane aku mule b'cinte n breakup n so fact, die la yg knalkan aku ngan Mr.P a.k.a ex aku..hmm..P jugak..kre diorg ni close dlu br close ngan aku n fyi, she's the sadly almost sume couple yg die matchmake xm'jadi..hahaha.. mst serik kn u ..(nsb baek la u xjoin blogging2 ni cik P ye..hehe) la ni die la boyfren(bf) merangkap bestfren(bf) = BFF aku..dh tu, ke mane2 pon mostly ngan die r..since aku men'single'kn diri 5yrs ago..ekceli nk gak kuar ngan kwn2 laen..N, R, Z, D, H (cik surney hasniey :d), Mr.H, Kak M, Kak E a.k.a my heart ,Kak M a.k.a. fuzzy peach,etc..etc..xpn kwn2 br ke.. tp slalu wrong timing je kn..huhu..cik P ni kalo nk shoping ajk aku, aku nk shoping ajk die..dh boyfren die pn aku ni kre adopted bf die la haha..

so aku ngan cik P pon pegila meronda midvlly n tgk cte Transfrormers: Revenge of the Fallen aku yg ske tgk cte2 action kt cinema ni, aku leh bg 3stgh bintang out of 5..kalo transformers 2007 dlu tu aku bg 4 bntg...yg 2nd ni mmg la best,full of action tp die kekurgn elemen surprise( review kt newsapaper lak)..sbb ble tgk yg f1, kite rs full of surprise sbb that was the f1 time robot2 tu ade kt planet kite they come n y..camane camaro tu bleh transform jd robot..yg b4 this tgk kt kartun je..very interesting, kn?...bumblebee, optimus prime..n megatron yg jht pn br muncul..n utk 2nd ni, robot2 tu mmg dh ade kt earth ni, live dgn human, n then jd la robotic wars ble yg dh dibuang ke dasar laut tu nk bls dendam..smpi ke pyramid sgale..

n samela jgk ms tgk Night at the Museum aku yg f1 rsnye lg best..don't u agree wit me?apepn, cte2 mcmnila yg aku rs worth it kalo tgk kt wyg..i mean, action movies, meletup sane sini...cte yg moving n not static cm star trek, terminator salvation(wlpn x brp nk best compared to 1,2,3),wolverine,etc..etc..kalo nk diikutkan sejarah aku menonton ni, sume genre aku ske tgk..wlpn ade yg worth it n xworth it..suspense-thriller, comedy, seram, romantic, action..n krenye aku ni trgolong dlm golongan yg merealisasikan konsep 1 Malaysia ni..hehehe..poyos la plak..ape xnye, cte cine (byk kali gak!), india (hindustan aku tgk dlm 2-3 kali dlu2 la..ngan mbr yg gle hindustan, Nita. cte tamil aku tgk skali je..tu pon yg mmg blockbuster- sivaji), melayu, english (xmsk 1 Mlysia yg ni plg byk) sume aku tgk..ade skali aku tgk cte cine ..(xingt plak tajuknye,)dlm satu hall yg pnuh tu,aku n cik P b'due je yg malay n b'tudg..yg lain2 sume amoi2 n apek2..same goes to when kitorg tgk sivaji..dlm satu hall tu, sume indian except us...(so moral of the story.. uhm., lu pikirlah sendiri ek..hehehe)

k la..smbg cte shopping plak, aku ni mmg ske shopping..rsnye xyh bgtau pn mmg dh sedie mklum.sbb aku rs sume pompuan pn mst ade gen's in the genetic, man..(so don't blame us, ok, blame the genetic.hehe..take note ye mr2 di luar sane)..cumenye based on financial msg2..kalo tgh sengkek, window je la yek.. k ar, ape kate just let the pictures do the talking,.

kedai ni wajib aku msk setiap kali g favourite!
recommended utk m'hias n men'transform' blk anda sume ye!
(konon..pdhl xpernh bli pape pn..usha2 jek..huhu)

sbnrnye teringin nk bli jam b'diri hargenye RM220 okay,
bkn xsmpi ati r nk bli..ahakz

nk bli jam dinding yg comel pn xsmpi ati..
(nxt time ok ainol, eh silap... lonia..sabo ye..)

amik pengajaran ye kwn2...:)

motif gmbr ini adalah?..nk tunjuk kt blkg tu 'klon' robot Transformers

kami camwhoring di t****t b4 tgk Transformers

at lovely lace..table lamp or night lamp or watever u call it..
comel n nice kn..nk bli tp xsmpi ati gak..

muke cik P yg sgt hepi nk bli frame tu..nk bg adiah katenye.

amboi2..syoknye anda b'shopping ye..

xpe2..arini ari anda..

ai..lbeh nmpk..smpi t'tdo ke'hepi' an +kepenatan tu..
hehe.. promote cik norhafizah mahmud (bkn name sbnr)abis2an..
so jom r kuar ngan aku..gerenti anda dipromote..:p
Jom..jom..jom..(rentak lagu Jom Heboh)

satu2nye item yg aku purchase ..RM48(waa..lonia talking finance..)
nk show-off g krsus mgmt la tu..ahakz..

End of story..:)

The Truth Is Out There n.. In Here..

Lonia's Note: Menabung nk g Aussie...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009



arini aku cm xde mood sgt nk wt pape, hehe..mood nk dgr lagu je..abis sume mp3 aku dgr, dr Korea, Japan, English n also arini aku share lagu je la ngan korg ek.. so kt bwh ni lagu Better in Time..lagu ni dedicated to sume yg dh 'moved on'..aftr breakups or sumthg like that..i mean, as the time goes on, we tend to frget everythng n moved on to a new life n new 'love'..perhaps?.. k layan..:)

Better in Time by Leona Lewis

It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through

Going coming
Thought I heard a knock
Who's there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realize that I really didn't know
If you didn't notice you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All that I know is I'mma be ok

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get
better in time
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get
better in time

I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings

If I'm dreaming don't wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings but that's the path
I'll believe in
And I know time will heal it
If you didn't notice boy you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'mma be ok

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get
better in time
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get
better in time

Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go
So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is
I'll be fine without you
Yes I will

[Chorus: x2]
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get
better in time
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to (yes I do)
It'll all get better in time

Lonia's Note : yeah..time will heal everythng

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Heal The World- Michael Jackson In Memory..

Saturday 27th June 2009

hi ..arini tetibe rase nk wt entry psl Michael Jackson a.k.a. Mikail nih..aku bknla his hardcore fan, tp lagu2 die tu tau la jgk kn...Beat It, Thriller..n so on.. wlpn famous ngan muke xasli n kes2 pelik die tu, bg aku die ni mmg seorg performer yg best. in fact, he's a legend and his music will live on forever...ala2 elvis ble dgr je he's already gone, t'duduk la jgk..huhu...

n one of his song is quite memorable n meaningful to me..aku still ingt aku n kwn2 sekelas mase drjh 6 perform lagu ni..Heal The World..kt Pertandingan antare klas2 untk tahap 2 which is drjah 4, 5 dan 6....siap dgn pentomen yg kitorg n ckgu prepare berhari2.. n akhirnye klas aku, 6 Melur dinobatkan sbg juare..yay!!

kt cni aku nk share chorus lagu Heal the World (which was written+composed+produced by him) yg aku ingt sket2...yeah..i really want 2 b sumone that can 'heal this world'..but i am no superhero,..huhu so wat i can do is only 'b'doa' dr jauh je...

Heal The World

Make it a better place

For you and for me

And the entire human race

There are people dying

If u care enough for the living

Make it a better place


Lonia's Note : Heal the can WE make a difference?

Friday, June 26, 2009

kene tag........

Friday 26th June 2009

allo...sbnrnye niat di ati nk update psl disbbkn si kecik ni asyik mengaco smpt siapkn soklan2 ni je..k mrs fuzzy peach, xde utang eh..hehe

1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :

..seorang lelaki yang pernah disayangi, yg kini menjadi teman sejati, yg ingin kembali setelah melukai, dan TIDAK MUNGKIN disayangi lagi..

2. Saya sedang mendengar :

..lagu Crush – David Archuleta..wlpn dh lame tp still Dekat Di Hati..hehe..

3. Mungkin saya patut:

..pergi bercuti..(tp kt tpt yg xde H1N1 ler)

4. Saya suka :

..ketawe...jd tlg la bwat lawak yg best2 kt sy ye..

5.Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :

..memahami and best2 blake...

6.Saya tak paham :

..ble org suke cr kelemahan or lain instead of the good side…

7.Saya kehilangan :

..sesuatu yg m’beri mkne kpd hidup sye.....

8.Ada yang berkata : comel..haha, btul ke???...ape pn…thanx okay!!!

9.Makna nama saya :

..mata yg diredhai...spatutnye cahaye mate kn..;p

10.Cinta itu adalah :

..Cinta itu ‘complicated’…knape sush sgt utk meyukai org yg menyayangi n mengambil berat tntg kte? n sbaliknye....huhu…
But…love is soo special too..LOVE STRETCHES UR HEART N MAKE U BIG INSIDE..It makes our emotion like roller-coaster..sumtimes we feel like we r ‘the king of the world’…n sumtimes it was like ‘THE END’ of the world…

11.Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :

..b’gmbire dan b’dukecite

12.Saya akan cuba :

..untuk sentiase m’improve diri sy..supaye ‘Hari ini lebih baik dari smlm’…

13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :

Forever...berkekalan..hingga hjg nyawa…

14.Telefon bimbit saya :

..Sony K770i…

15.Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :

..tgk jam hp, n then minum air segelas

16.Saya paling tak suka apabila :

.ble org suke sgt cari kesalahan orang lain...come on la…nobody is perfect okay,,adekah anda perfect?..

17.Pesta/Parti adalah :

..makan time……n get 2gether wit frenz..of cz it’ll b a lot of fun

18.Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah : dh ilang..huhu..

19.Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :

..zaman study kt gler…….

20.Hari ini :

..the death of Michael Jackson
..suke lagu die Heal The World tu..huhu..

21.Malam ini saya akan :

..b’due-duean ngan asyraf...ahakz..nk main robot transformers ngan die...

22.Esok pula saya akan :

..pegi appointment..

23.Saya betul-betul inginkan :

..kerjaye yg stabil...

24.Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini : xbrp chat..

25.Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :

..Of course la pusat n shopping..

26.Makanan Barat atau Jepun :


27.Bilik yang terang atau gelap :

..kalo nk tdo, gelap..kalo nk bace novels b4 sleeping, enough wit desk lamp,,mknenye xsuke terang2 sgt..

28.Makanan segera adalah :

..MCD...Radix Fried Chicken..ahakz.

29.Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?

..bye mak…a’kum...

30.Siapa yang anda nak Tag?

..cik surney hasniey…;D

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Tuesday 23rd June 2009

arini merupekn ari preview untk TRANSFORMERS : REVENGE OF THE FALLEN. oleh krane aku xdpt nk tgk preview, esok by hook or by crook aku mst g aku cte ni t'msk dlm kategori 'wajib tonton' on the f1 day ia ditygkn..mase aku tgk Transformers yg f1 dlu, mase tu zmn aku praktikal..mmg best gle cte ni...aku leh bg 4 bintang out of 5. yay!mane tau, kali ni aku leh bg 4.5 or 5 star plak kn utk yg 2nd ni, n aku teruje sgt2 nk g tgk okay..dgn promo yg besar2an lg..tmbh2 aku ade 2 voucher tiket GSC.mane tak sok pg2 nk g mdvalley,kul 11 gak aku nk tgk cte ni..xkire..hehe.

memndgkn aku ni masih dlm tempoh b'cuti-cuti malaysia n bff aku pza (aka kwn menonton aku)serta mbr2 yg lain xb'cuti mcm aku, so nmpk gayenye aku g sorg2 la yek..ulang suare..'sorang-sorang' time in history aku g tgk wyg sorang2..kalo kuar sorg2 biasela..but its okay..'kdg2 bersendirian itu lebih baik....n "it was nice to be alone, not to hav to smile and look pleased"pinjam ayt2 Bella Swan in Twilight..yup2.tats me.. sumtimes i feel happier in aloneness..doesn't mean i am lonely,sumtime i just like to b in my own space or wat u call it, dlm dunie utk cte detail mengenai transformers, insya-Allah aku akn update lpas aku tgk...xsbrnye nk g tgk!!!!!!!=D
oops..lupe plak aku ade lg satu voucher tiket..ade sesape sudi nk tmnkan aku ke? dpt tiket free lg..ahaks..

Lonia's Note : REVENGE OF x?haha..

Trip UiTM

Tuesday 23rd June 2009

kay..nk cte psl 'trip' aku ke uitm smlm...f1 aku smpi, aku jmpe ngan kwn lect aku dlu..n then aku g jmpe dean...mak ai...dia bg aku byk gle krtas2..leh msk 2-3 fail.. n then lpas aku diinterview sket2 oleh beliau n diberi xplanation yg pjg lebar, die srh aku sain..n thn, aku ngan slambenye kate

'Prof, bole x kalo sy bg jwpn hjg bln ni?..n then, die ngan sportingnye b'kate...its ok...n if u hav anthg to dscuss or want to ask, just contact us, ok..

(sigh..)..nape ngan aku ni? sain je la,.nape ek aku b'belah bg kayak gini..
sbnrnye, mcm ni...aku dh tgk schedule yg yg pack gle...bole dikatekan, aku kene kerje i mean mengajar n blaja slame 7 hari, seminggu day n nite..spatutnye tenage pengajar mude ni adelah stud degree yg smbg master 2thn n thn trus jd no prob la kn..keje to working hour..ade 2 org kwn yg dh b'jaye dh pn...dlu diorg ajk aku g smbg kt oversea aku xnk..huhu..

k, back to my situation skrg n kwn uitm aku yg dh sethn jd lect tu, kiorg kene sambg master smbil mengajar...alkisahnye…tu yg jd 7 hari seminggu, day n nite tu..the truth is aku xmint lgsg mengajar dan smbg blaja lg ni...kalo minat mengajar tu bole la dipupuk, tp nk srh aku duk blaja lg cm dlu ngan buku tebal2, lab lagi, wt research, thesis n so on...adoiyai..n diorg kate mster ni 2xgande lg sush dr degree..patutla sush bebenr aku nk jmpe kwn lect aku sorg ni...n tmbh truk lg, kwn aku ni decide xnk melecture dh...die nk abiskn n concentrate on sethn lg master die ni..die kate xleh nk bwk..huhu..kene ulang-alik main camp n sek 17 kdg2 tu smpi 4-5 pg katenye, sbb nk siapkn research. n msk mengajar kul 830-9 pg..die kate ‘mmg la sume ditggung n dpt duit pn ok, tp very exhausted la’..kdg2 aku dh xrase cm org dh’.. iyela, mane taknye kuar seawl 8 pg, blik 2-3 pg..n kdg2..smpi 5 pg.. huhu

so, ape yg harus aku lakukan?aku dh tnye kt mak..n mak pn xbrp setuju kalo cmtu.die kate try yg lain la..huhu..aku bkn takut ngan cbrn,cz i know i am a determined person, tp cm xde life la kn..2 thn plak tu..abis2 umo aku dh 27.. tp aku p'caye rezki ade kt mane2...cume kene byk2 b'sbr n b' wt mase skrg, aku akn wt istikharah dlu...n mtk pndpt ahli keluarge yg lain..kalo ikutkn aku, mmg dh xnk dh..

Lonia's Note: konfius...konfius